There are two types of examinations – Internal and External examinations. Internal examinations are conducted at College by Internal Examination Committee. Normally two internal examinations are conducted in a semester. the external examinations are conducted by the affiliating University at the end of each semester. the rules and regulations are as follows…

  • The students are required to be present outside the examination hall exactly 15 minutes before the start of the examination. Students will only be allowed to enter the examination hall 10 minutes prior to commencing the examination.
  • Students will not be allowed into the examination hall without presenting an appropriate photo identity card, issued by the Institute.
  • If a student forgets his/her Institute Identity Card, the driving license/ other photo identity card will be accepted in a place subject to verification by the concerned teacher/ examination coordinator/ HEAD OF DEPARTMENT concerned.
  • The invigilator distributes question paper & answer sheets among students. No other paper than that shall be used. An examination written on another paper will be considered invalid.
  • Students are not allowed to read the question paper until granted permission by the invigilator.
  • Students should bring their own pencils, pens, erasers, rulers, calculators, and any other tools required for the examination.
  • The invigilator will decide where the student’s handbags, cases, outdoor clothes, GSM, etc shall be placed.
  • Calculators with more than one-line display or with alphanumeric display (programmable calculators) are not permitted into the examination hall unless specified in advance by the examiner. If the invigilator reasonably believes that a student is using a calculator that does not conform to the rules, he/she has the discretion to replace the calculator and a report on the matter will be made on the invigilator’s declaration form.
  • Do not talk/gesture inside the examination hall
  • Collect your answer booklet and write the registration number, subject code, subject title, and date of the examination along with the session in the barcoding sheet attached in the answer booklet properly. Shade the appropriate boxes/circles by using a ballpoint pen. Improper shading will lead to the rejection of your answer script.
  • Do not write your registration number or name inside the answer book / additional book/drawing sheet/ graph sheet
  • Mobile phones / programmable calculators or any other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall
  • Check whether you have collected the correct question paper, also see that all pages are printed or not. if not, intimate to the hall invigilator immediately
  • Read the special instructions given in the question paper and follow the same.
  • If the question paper contains more than one section, write the answers in the separate answer books
  • Do not commence reading or writing until instructed by an alarm/ bell to do so. Write clearly; illegible answers will not be awarded marks
  • Do not write anything on the question paper other than your registration number. writing any hint or note in the question paper is also a kind of malpractice
  • Put your signature against your exam register number in the attendance sheet and ensure that you have received the correct answer booklet as specified in it.
  • If you are in the need of any data book, ask for the same to the invigilator at the commencement of the examination. Do not write anything in the special materials issued. Data books/tables brought by the students should not contain any written material or additional sheets in them.
  • Do not tear any pages out of the answer book. Rough working may be done in the last page of the answer book. Clearly cross out rough working before handing over your answer book
  • Bring a pen, pencil, scale, calculator, eraser, etc that are required for the examination. Do not borrow any articles inside the examination hall