Department engages English common course of all undergraduate programs in first four semesters for All BSc Courses Except BSc IT and in first two semester for all BComs except Bcom Professional.
Importance of English
1. English is one of the most widely spoken Languages throughout the world. People from different countries communicate with each other using English.60 country have English as their official language and adopted as a second language in great many more countries. In total around 1.5 billion people speak English Worldwide.
2. Knowing well English will open more opportunities for you and make you bilingual and more employable in every country in the world.
3. English is the language of science and the language of business. If you want to excel in Science and in your business, you have to know English well.
4. Having The certificate of International English Language Testing System (IELTS) will give you the opportunity to access in any famous university throughout the world.
Ms.Deepa KS Head of the Department Qualification: BA,MA English Mob: 9846651253 Email: deepavellila@gmail.com | Mr.Junaid KK Assistant Professor Qualification: BA,MA English Mob: 9747262271 Email: junaidkayanikkara@gmail.com | Mr.ABDUL SAMAD. KK Assistant Professor Qualification: BA,MA ENGLISH Mob: 9746682125 E-Mail | Ms.SRUTHI M Assistant Professor Qualification: BA,MA ENGLISH Mob: 8086225383 Email: sruthi.m@gmail.com |
This course aims to introduce the nature and types of literature to undergraduate students. This course is envisaged in such a way as to help students gain some insights into the art of creative thinking and writing and also to assist them in approaching literature in an analytical way. This eventually leads to develop the students’ ability to understand various perspectives on life and literature. Another major purpose of the course is to familiarise the students with English language and literature so that they can appreciate and embrace the creative side of life too.
○ To develop the ability to appreciate life and literature
○ To cultivate an interest in society and culture
○ To envisage creative approach to life and literature
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
● develop the qualities necessary to become good, kind and responsible human
○ attain confidence to ask questions
○ apply logical and analytical skills in various situations
○ understand and apply problem solving skills
○ assimilate new perspectives on life
○ enhance the ability to express themselves through writing
MODULE 1: Literature- Initiation
1.To Posterity (poem)- Louis MacNeice
2.The Rocking Horse Winner (Short Story) -D H Lawrence
3.”Memoirs of A Mad Man (Prose excerpts from Autobiography)-Gustave Flaubert
MODULE 2: Creative Thinking and Writing
1. The Thought Fox (poem)-Ted Hughes
2. Poetry (poem)-Marianne Moore
3. Excerpt from An Autobiography(Prose)-Agatha Christie
4. Half a Day (Short story)-Naguib Mahfouz
MODULE 3: Critical Thinking
1. To a Reason (Poem)- Arthur Rimbaud
2. The Adventures of the Retired Colourman (Short Story)–Arthur Conan Doyle
3. Trifles (One-Act Play)-Susan Glaspe
MODULE 4: Perspectives
1.Body Without the “d” (Poem)-Justice Ameer
2. Sleeping Fool (Poem)-Suniti Namjoshi
3.The Cockroach (Short Story)-Luis Fernando Verissimo; translated by Anna Vilner
4.About Dalit Literature” (Prose)-Sharankumar Limbale 9
5. Purl (Short Film)-Kristen Lester
This course aims at preparing undergraduate students to learn how to use the structure of
language systematically and to get a good command over the language to produce the learned
grammatical structures accurately. It aims to enable the learner to communicate effectively at the
written and spoken level appropriately in real-life situations.
● To identify the key concepts of English grammar.
● To describe the use of appropriate language through the understanding of the sentence
patterns in English.
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
● Demonstrate the ability to use the syntactic structures within English texts.
● Distinguish logical and analytical skills in the use of language for communication.
● Develop writing skills in various professional and career related situations
● Formulate the basic skills in spoken communication in formal contexts
Module1: Basic Concepts of Syntax Word order and Sentence Patterns –
Concord/ Subject-Verb Agreement – Types of Sentences based on Functions – Types of Sentences based on Clauses – Transformation of Sentences –
Affirmative and Negative Sentences – Connectives- Collocations – Punctuations
Module 2: Basic Functional Aspects of Grammar
Use of major tense forms (Emphasis on tense forms in use in everyday transactions) – Use of Active and Passive Voice – Making use of Reported Speech – Use of functional elements in sentences – Articles – Prepositions.
Module 3: Skills for Communication
Aspects of Formal Communication – Barriers to Communication – Preparation for Minutes of Meeting – Writing of Memos – Emails – Letter writing – Writing Curriculum Vitae/Resume – Proposals and Statements of Purpose – Reviews – Case Studies – Group discussion –Presentation skills
Aim of the Course:
This course aims to make the student understand the gender inequality, marginalization, disability studies, racism and casteism in our society. Though this engagement has been part of literary academic analysis, it has just begun making its foray into the syllabus of English departments of Indian universities. This paper hopes to introduce undergraduate students to perspectives within literatures that acquaint them with both experiences of marginalization, as well as the examination of modes of literary stylistics that offer a variation from conventional
● To inculcate and apply the concepts of democracy and freedom in life and understand the
basic tenets of our constitution
● To critically think and examine various social issues prevailing in our society
After the completion of the course, students will be able to: –
● discuss and contemplate on the areas of gender inequality, marginalization, disability
studies, racism and casteism
● develop sensitivity towards environmental concerns and feel responsible towards
protecting nature.
● understand the everyday realities of the marginalized sections of the society and negate
the stereotypes surrounding them and accept them as allies.
● To develop scientific temper and scientific thinking
Module 1: Constitution, Democracy and Freedom
1. “The Objectives Resolution”(Speech excerpt)- Jawaharlal Nehru
2. “How Many More Days, Democracy”(Poem) – Sameer Tanti
3. “When Salihan took on the Raj”(Article) – P. Sainath
Module 2: Ecology and Science
1. “Knowledge is Power”(Excerpt from Chapter 14 of Sapiens: A Brief History of
Humankind)- Yuval Noah Harari
2. “A White Heron”(Short story) – Sarah Orne Jewett
3. “The Fish”(poem) – Elizabeth Bishop
4. “Everything I Need to Know I Learned in the Forest”(essay) – Vandana Shiva
Module 3: Gender Equality
1. “Fire” – Nikita Gill – Poem
2. “Accept Me” from I am Vidya: A Transgender’s Journey – Living Smile Vidya
3. Dear Ijeawele (Letter-excerpt ) – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Module 4: Human Rights
1. “Entre-vous to Adulthood” from One Little Finger – Malini Chib
2. “The Body Politic” (Poem) – Hiromi Goto
3. “Love- lines in the time of Chathurvarna” (Article) – Chandra Bhan
4. “The History Lesson “(Poem) – Jeanette Armstron
Aim of the Course:
This course aims to give an overview of Malayalam literature and provides a detailed understanding of the cultural and historical tradition of the society and the development of
literary sensibility. The course also provides a detailed analysis of the evolution of Malayalam literature through various genres.
COURSE OBJECTIVES To enable the students to read and critically appreciate the different varieties of Kerala
literature, writings and films To read and understand the diversity of Malayalam literature and understand its
By the end of the course, the learner will be able to: develop critical understanding of literature of Kerala
interrelate the cultural and historical tradition of the society and the development of
literary sensibility Identity the diversity of literary endeavours and the cultural representations
identify and apply the insights and values in everyday life as a Keralite
critically analyse and interpret the present cultural production
Module 1: Formation
1. “History” (Prose) excerpt from Malabar Manual – William Logan
2. “Tribal Tale of Kerala” (Prose) excerpt from Kerala Culture – Prof S Achutha Warrier
3. “Ghoshayatra” (Poem excerpt) – Kunchan Nambiar
Module 2: Evolution
1. Excerpt from Indulekha (Novel) -O. Chandu Menon
2. Excerpt from “Atmopadeshashathakam” (Poem) – Sree Narayana Guru
3. “Not an Alphabet in Sight” (Poem) –
Poykayil Appachan
4. “ Ayyankali: A Dalit Leader of Organic Protest” (Prose-excerpt) –
M. Nisar,Meena Kandasamy
5. “Vakkom Moulavi: My Grandfather, the Rebel” (Prose) – Sabin Iqbal
Module 3: Stimulation
1. “Daughter of Humanity” (Story) – Lalithambika Antharjanam
2. “Kuttippuram Paalam”(Poem) – Edasseri
3. “Christian Heritage” (Story) – Vaikom Muhammad Basheer
Module 4: Propagation
1. “Myth and Literature” (Speech) -M T Vasudhevan Nair
2. “Rain at Heart” (Poem) –Sugathakumari
3. “Fifty years of Malayalam Cinema” (Prose) – VC Harris
4. “Malayalam’s Ghazal” (Poem) – Jeet Thayil
5. “Agni” (Story) – Sithara A
6. “Pictures Drawn on Water”( poem) – K.Satchidanandan
Aim of the Course:
The aim of this course is to familiarize the students with the emerging trends and growth of
regional literatures in India. This course offers a choice selection of significant modern Indian
literary works, produced in regional languages.
● To enable the students to read and critically appreciate the different varieties of Indian
literature, writings and films
● To read and understand the diversity of Indian writings and comprehend its nuances
● Students learn to appreciate the multiple genres of Indian writings cutting across different
sections of Indian Society
● Students can understand how social issues are represented in Indian literature
● Students will gain the knowledge of ‘Indianness’ through the works of Indian writers
from different parts of India.
● Students will understand the pluralistic aspects of Indian culture and identity
Module 1– Poem
1.Small Towns and the River — Mamang Dai
2.Dream: Midnight — Sridala Swami
3.What you do? — Omprakash Valmiki
4. Munda & Kondh songs
5. (Other) Wordly Folk Tale – Geet Cathurvedi
Module 2–Short story and Fiction
1.Scorn – Bama
2.Two in the next world – Rajendra Yadav
3. The Bride’s Pyjamas- Akhtar Mohi- Ud-Din
4. The Night Train at Deoli – Ruskin Bond
Module3– Prose narratives
1. The Future of the Past – (Editorial)
2. On University Education (Speech excerpt) – Bhupesh Gupta
3.World as One Economic and Cultural Unit – Meghnad Saha
Module4 –Theatre and films
1.Beyond the Land of Hattamala (play) – Badal Sirkar
2.The Burning – ( short film )- V.S Sanoj
3.That Day After Every Day –( short film)- Anurag Kashyap
4. An Excerpt from Abhijnanasakuntalam
Aim of the course:
The course aims to provide students an overview of literary works from around the world. Through a selection of literary texts from different parts of the world and from different eras, the course offers an insight into the varied ways of self-expression of different peoples of the world.
● To enable students to read, appreciate, and critically respond to literature of different cultures.
● To introduce a variety of literary texts from around the world from ancient to contemporary times.
At the end of the course, the students will
● Gain familiarity with a variety of classical and marginal literatures.
● Acquire knowledge of literatures from around the world and from different eras.
● Have an awareness of the ways in which different cultures perceive the world around
them and how they capture these experiences in literature.
● Develop empathy and understanding on the face of diverse peoples and their experiences.
Module I: Poetry
1. The Odyssey Book I, Lines 1-20 (Excerpt) – Homer
2. “In Kyoto” and “The Old Pond” (Haiku) – Basho
3. “I Have a Broom” – Zhai Yongming
4. “Won’t you celebrate with me” – Lucille Clifton
5. “To See Him Again” – Gabriela Mistral
6. “A Century Later” – Imtiaz Dharker
7. “Text” – Carol Ann Duffy
8. “Revolving Days” – David Malouf
9. “Threshold” – Ocean Vuong
Module II: Stories
1. “The Barber’s Story of Himself”-The Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights)
2. “Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture” – Jerome K. Jerome
3. “Diary of a Madman” (Excerpt) – Nikolai Gogol
4. “War” – Luigi Pirandello
5. “The Green Leaves” – Grace Ogot
Module III: Plays
1. Faust (Excerpt) – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
2. The Tempest, Act III Scene I (The Log Scene) – William Shakespeare (Video)
Module IV: Prose and Speech
1. “Getting Up on a Cold Morning” – Leigh Hunt
2. “Crediting Poetry” (Excerpts) – Seamus Heaney
3. “Commencement Speech 2016 at UC Berkley” – Sheryl Sandberg (Video)