Annual Sports and Games 2022-23
College annual sports and games was held from February 2 to 16 . As part of the event following items were conducted by dividing whole students in to 4 groups namely Warriors,Rangers,Stalians,Gladiux. GAMES Basket ball(men)Football(men)Cricket(men)Badminton(men)Badminton(Women)Hand ball(women)Kabadi(men)Kabadi(women)Chess(Men)Chess(Women) Athletics 100m running200m running400m running800m running1500m running3000m running for boys3000m walking for girl5000m walking for boysLong JumpTripple JumpHigh JumpDiscus Throwjavelin throwShot put Image Gallery Cricket Football Hand Ball Kabady Games1 Games2 Cricket Team Football Team
University Rank Holders
We proudly announce our University Rank Holders in the year 2022,2023 Mr.Mehthab PK First Rank BSc IT Batch 2019-22 Mr.Abhijeet.P Second Rank BSc IT Batch 2020-23 Mr.Navas K Sixth Rank BSc IT Batch 2020-23
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